The First Experience of Master’s Students from the Faculty of Economics Participating in the International Leonhard Euler Programme “German-Ukrainian Dialogue in Economics”
The Leonhard Euler Programme, “German-Ukrainian Dialogue in Economics”, is an essential part of the bilateral educational and research cooperation between the Institute for East European Studies at the Free University of Berlin and the Faculty of Economics at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. This programme operates under the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), funded by the German government, and aims to support the completion of research for master’s or doctoral theses.
In December 2023, the first competition was announced for master’s students of the Faculty of Economics at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv:
- “Economic Cybernetics” – Olha Hupalo (EKKm-21c class), academic adviser: Associate Professor, PhD in Economics, and Head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics Zoriana Artym-Drohomyretska.
- “Management of Organisations and Administration” – Iryna Hrankina (EKMm-21z class), academic adviser: Associate Professor of the Department of Management, PhD in Economics Anna Hryshchuk.
- “Accounting and Auditing” – Nadiia Sobol (EKOm-21c class), academic adviser: Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing, PhD in Economics Olena Hamkalo and Vita Gladchenko (EKOm-21c class), academic adviser: Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Audit, PhD in Economics Yuliia Popivniak.
Marianna Kichurchak, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, and Acting Head of the Department of Economy of Ukraine, has been appointed as the coordinator of the Leonhard Euler Programme for the Faculty of Economics at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
From September 1 to December 31, 2024, master’s students participated in the international Leonhard Euler Programme, “German-Ukrainian Dialogue in Economics”. A key milestone of the programme was the research stay of the students from November 1 to 30, 2024, at the Institute for East European Studies at the Free University of Berlin.
An important event of the Programme was a scientific seminar held on November 27, 2024, at the Institute for East European Studies at the Free University of Berlin, where the students presented their master’s research findings.
Congratulations to Olga Hupalo on the successfully presenting her master’s thesis, “Optimisation of Human Resource Management in a Service Enterprise”. The work includes an original economic and mathematical model for the optimal distribution of tasks among employees, aimed at minimising penalties for deadline violation and excessive working hours. The model was implemented using linear programming and genetic algorithms.
Special recognition goes to Nadiia Sobol for her master’s thesis, “Accounting, Analysis and Audit of Labour Costs”, which highlights the German experience in labour remuneration systems and their state regulation. Her work offers a comparative analysis of employee remuneration ing approaches to accounting for employee remuneration in Germany and Ukraine.
The scientific insights achieved by Vita Hladchenko in her master’s thesis, “Accounting, Analysis, and Audit of Production Inventories at an Enterprise”, deserve attention. The thesis highlights modern technological innovations and their influence on inventory accounting and control, as well as examines the adoption of advanced technologies in inventory accounting and their impact on the efficiency of managerial decision-making in enterprises in Germany and Ukraine.
An informative presentation was delivered by Irina Hrankina, who shared her valuable research findings on her master’s thesis, “Organisational Change Based on IT Management”. Her work focused on comparing the German and Ukrainian business environment, offering insightful perspectives on organisational transformation.
Participation in the Leonhard Euler Programme has been an invaluable stage in the students’ professional development. It provided them with opportunities to integrate into the international academic environment and gain valuable experience in scientific dialogue.
Special thanks go to the academic advisers of the Master’s students – Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Economics, and Head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics, Zoryana Artym-Drohomyretska; Associate Professors of the Department of Accounting and Auditing, Ph.D.s. in Economics, Olena Hamkalo and Yuliia Popivniak; and Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Ph.D. in Economics, Anna Hryshchuk – for their insightful recommendations, dedicated support, and tireless guidance, which significantly contributed to students’ success in the programme.
Gratitude is extended to Professor Theocharis Grigoriadis, Director of the Institute for East European Studies at the Free University of Berlin, for his exceptional leadership and efficient administration of the Leonhard Euler Programme “German-Ukrainian Dialogue in Economics”.
Special recognition is also given to Professor Marianna Kichurchak, Doctor of Economic Sciences and Acting Head of the Department of Economy of Ukraine, for the outstanding organisation and coordination of the Leonhard Euler Programme “German-Ukrainian Dialogue in Economics”.
Sincere appreciation is expressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Economics at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Professor Rostyslav Mykhailyshyn, Departmental academic mobility coordinator, Vice-Dean for Research Vasyl Bunyak, and to the staff of the Lviv University International Relations Office for their unwavering support of the students’ participation in the Leonhard Euler International Programme and their efforts to create favourable conditions for students’ academic and professional growth.
The Leonhard Euler Programme has strengthened cooperation among the departments of the Faculty of Economics at Lviv University. It has also reaffirmed the proper level of master’s students training and their readiness for active participation in international scientific collaboration.