News of Department of Economy of Ukraine

Wednesday , November 8, 2023 at 10:10 a.m. Lecture of Dr. Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel from Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany) on “Innovation Systems” for students of educational programme “Accounting and Taxation”

02.11.2023 | 14:10

On the 8th November 2023 (Wednesday) at 10:10 a.m. Kyiv time, Dr. Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel from Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany, will deliver a lecture on “Innovation Systems” to first-year bachelor’s degree students of educational programme “Accounting and Taxation” as a part of the “Economy of Ukraine” course.
The event is organized by Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Chemnitz University of Technology within the framework of the joint project “Chemnitz Bridge-Lviv – 2” under the programme “Ukraine Digital: Ensuring...

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A new monograph by prof. Lidiia Hryniv “Spatial Sustainability: an Attempt of Physical Macroeconomic Analysis”

28.08.2023 | 16:59

A new monograph by prof. Lidiia Hryniv “Spatial Sustainability: an Attempt of Physical Macroeconomic Analysis” has been published in English and translated into German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.
The monograph develops a new direction in sustainability science, physical macroeconomic analysis and its application in the study and economic value assessment of spatial sustainability of terrestrial ecosystems. It can be useful in applied studies of climate change economy and creation of the appropriate preventive management systems.
The author is grateful to Ivan...

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A monograph by prof. Lidiia Hryniv, “New transdisciplinary knowledge for the economy of sustainable development”, published

22.10.2022 | 15:02

A monograph by the Chair of the Economy of Ukraine department, prof. Lidiia Hryniv, “New transdisciplinary knowledge for the economy of sustainable development” is published in English by Lambert Academic Publishing, and is available in additional translations into seven languages.  Prof. Hryniv is working as a visiting researcher in Uppsala University, Sweden, in 2022. A joint seminar for doctoral students from the National University of Lviv Faculty of Economics and Uppsala University, was organized by prof. Hryniv on May 30th...

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Наукові читання до 90-річчя від дня народження проф. С.М.Злупка

14.01.2022 | 16:15

Кафедра економіки України запрошує науковців, викладачів, докторантів, аспірантів, магістрантів, представників бізнесу, урядових та громадських структур до участі у НАУКОВИХ ЧИТАННЯХ
«Економічна україніка професора С.М. Злупка у світлі формування нової парадигми наукових досліджень»
(до 90-річчя від дня народження)
Гринів Лідія Святославівна – завідувач кафедри економіки України Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка, доктор економічних наук, професор
7 лютого (понеділок) 2022 р., 14.00–16.00 у режимі Zoom – конференції.
Регламент виступу – до 10 хв.
До оголошення додаємо інформаційний лист Наукових...

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