News of Department of Economic Cybernetics

Guest lecture by prof. Dr. Maryna Nehrey (Collegium Helveticum, ETH Zurich, Switzerland) for students of the program “Economic Cybernetics”

08.04.2024 | 23:10

On Friday, April 5, a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Maryna Nehrey (Collegium Helveticum, ETH Zurich (Federal Institute of Technology Zurich), Switzerland) on “Unlocking visual insights: Exploring data with R’s graphical analysis”. Maryna Nehrey specializes in research of the Ukrainian agricultural sector, risk management and economic modeling. Recently, she has been a visiting professor at the Agricultural Economics and Policy Group at ETH Zurich, which consistently holds the highest positions in the rankings of educational institutions in the world and...

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The certificate elective course “Computational Economics (with Python)” for students of the Economic Cybernetics program has ended

28.12.2023 | 22:05

The certificate elective course “Computational Economics (with Python)” for students of the Economic Cybernetics program has ended. 34 out of 67 registered students successfully completed the course and received certificates confirming the completion of the course.
The English-language elective course “Computational Economics (with Python)” was prepared within the project “Chemnitz–Lviv Learning Bridge 2.0”, which is funded by the programme “Ukraine digital” of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The course was prepared by Prof. Dr. Torsten Heinrich (Head of the Department...

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Lecture by Prof. Dr. Torsten Heinrich on “Computational Economics” for students of the elective course

27.09.2023 | 23:25

On Monday, September 25, an elective course “Computational Economics” (with Python) began for students of the Economic Cybernetics program, prepared in cooperation of the Chemnitz University of Technology (Prof. Dr. Torsten Heinrich, Professor for Microeconomics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Chemnitz University of Technology; Oxford Martin Associate at OMPTEC, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford; Associate Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), University of Oxford) and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Associate Professor Larysa Zomchak...

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