Marianna Kichurchak

Посада: Професор, Economy of Ukraine Department

Науковий ступінь: доктор економічних наук

Вчене звання: професор

Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-40-28

Електронна пошта:

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Наукові інтереси

Scientific interests: 

  • development of the national economy of Ukraine,
  • sustainable development,
  • economics of education,
  • economic modeling and econometrics,
  • structural changes,
  • comparative analysis,
  • reproduction of public goods,
  • public finance,
  • information and communication sector and creative economy,
  • creative and cultural industries.


The LIST of scientific works published in 20082022

Papers in scientific journals

  1. Kichurchak, M. (2022) Structural changes in the information and communication sector in the creative economy of the EU countries: experience for Ukraine. Ekonomika i prohnozuvannia, 3, 115–130. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Kichurchak, M. (2022) ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE WAR IN UKRAINE: ANALYSIS BASED ON INSUFFICIENT DATA. Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetuSeriia ekonomichna, 62, 13–216. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Kichurchak, M. (2022). Factors of budgetary funding for higher education in the European Union countries in the context of sustainable and human development: experience for Ukraine. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, 2 (43), 279–287 (Web of Science)
  4. Kichurchak, M. (2021). Structural Changes in the Market of Bank Deposits of Households in UkraineFinanse i Prawo Finansowe, 1 (29), 61–78.
  5. Kichurchak, M. (2021). Factors of evolution and coevolution of cultural and creative industries in economics. Istoriia narodnoho hospodarstva ta ekonomichnoi dumky Ukrainy, 54, 242–263. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Kichurchak, M. (2021). Theoretical and methodological principles of the information and communication technology sector influence on public goods reproduction. Ekonomichnyi prostir, 175, 7–12. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Kichurchak, M. (2021). Development of the higher education market in the EU countries as a factor of human capital accumulation: experience for Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 192 (7–8), 52–62. (Scopus)
  8. Kichurchak, M. (2020). Structural changes in the development of creative industries due to the permanent crisis in Ukraine’s economy. Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu “Ostrozka akademiia”. Seriia “Ekonomika”, 17(45), 9–16. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Kichurchak, M. (2020). Household bank deposit market in Ukraine: structural and regional peculiaritiesFinansy Ukrainy, 8, 26– (in Ukrainian)
  10. Kichurchak, M. (2020). Factors for attracting household savings to the bank deposit market of Ukraine: regional dimension. Ekonomichnyi prostir, 161, 20– (in Ukrainian)
  11. Kichurchak, M. (2020). Evaluation of cultural sphere development in the European Union countries as a factor of forming social capital and creative industries: experience for Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 184 (7–8), 68–78. (Scopus)
  12. Kichurchak, M. (2020). Evaluation of the cultural sphere budgetary financing at the subnational level in the context of sustainable development in Ukraine. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, 4 (35), 230– (Web of Science)
  13. Kichurchak, M. (2019). Bank deposit activity in Ukraine: directions and factors of development activationJournal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 6 (1), 145–160. (Scopus)
  14. Kichurchak, M. (2019). Estimation of educational public goods differentiation due to social capital formation and sustainable development of Ukraine’s economy. Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu “Ostrozka akademiia”. Seriia “Ekonomika”, 12 (40), 75–79. (in Ukrainian)
  15. Kichurchak, M. (2019). Social capital evaluation in context of public goods infrastructure development in Ukrainian economy. Economic forum, 3, 197–209. (in Ukrainian)
  16. Kichurchak, M. (2018). Concept of the public goods reproduction in economics. Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, 1 (196), 33–40. (in Ukrainian)
  17. Kichurchak, M. (2018). The economic-gnoseology principles in the public goods essence determination. Ekonomichnyi forum, 4, 4–13. (in Ukrainian)
  18. Kichurchak, M. (2017). Priorities of the public goods reproduction improving due to implementation of the sustainable development strategy in the economic system of Ukraine. Ekonomichnyi prostir, 117, 102–118. (in Ukrainian)
  19. Kichurchak, M. (2016). Conceptualizing of prospects of manufacturing development of the public goods in the economic system of UkraineEkonomichnyy analiz, 24 (1), 38–44. (in Ukrainian)
  20. Kichurchak, M. (2016). Fiscal decentralization as the factor of the improvement for the public goods reproduction in Ukrainian Economy. Rehionalna ekonomika, 2 (80), 141– (in Ukrainian)
  21. Kichurchak, M. (2016). Tendencies and prospects of the fiscal decentralization development in practice of the public goods reproduction in Ukraine. Ekonomichnyi forum, 3, 272–280. (in Ukrainian)
  22. Kichurchak, M. (2016). Characteristics of the institutional factors influencing on the basic conditions of the public goods reproduction. Journal L’Association 1901 “SEPIKE”, 3, 81–85.
  23. Kichurchak, M. (2016). Directions for adaptation of fiscal decentralization foreign practice into public goods reproduction system in Ukraine. Aktualni problemy ekonomiky182 (8), 256–268. (in Ukrainian) (Scopus)
  24. Kichurchak, M. (2015). The gnoseology of the economic systems in the public goods reproduction theory. Ekonomichnyy analiz, 20 (2), 6–13. (in Ukrainian)
  25. Kichurchak, M. (2015). Directions for improvement of the institutional provision for reproduction of public goods in the economic system of Ukraine. Problemy ekonomiky, 1, 92–107. (in Ukrainian)
  26. Kichurchak, M. (2015). Theoretic-methodological determinants of the public goods reproduction mechanismEkonomichnyi chasopys-XXI [Economic Annals-XXI], 3–4 (2), 8–12. (Scopus) (in Ukrainian)
  27. Kichurchak, M. (2015). The scientific determinants of the public goods reproduction in the economic system. Ekonomichnyi forum, 3, 15–24. (in Ukrainian)
  28. Kichurchak, M. (2015). Comparative analysis of institutional factors influencing the public goods production. Journal L’Association 1901 “SEPIKE”, 4, 78–84.
  29. Kichurchak, M. (2014). Public-private partnership as the factor of improving the efficiency of public goods production in Ukraine. Nauchnye trudy Akademii upravleniia pri Prezidente Respubliki Belarus, 16 (1), 233–252. (in Russian)
  30. Kichurchak, M. (2014). Peculiarities of the formation of the public goods reproduction theory in the market economic system. Formuvannia rynkovoi ekonomiky, 31.1, 394–404. (in Ukrainian)
  31. Kichurchak, M. (2014). The factors for the development of institution of public-private partnership in the system of public goods reproduction. Problemy sovremennoi ekonomiki, 1, 49–55. (in Russian)
  32. Kichurchak, M. (2014). The peculiarities of budgetary financing the public goods production in the European Union Countries: the lessons of Poland for Ukraine. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica. Future of Finance, 1 (299), 45–59.
  33. Kichurchak, M. (2014). Characteristics of the effect of the shadow economy on the public goods reproduction in Ukraine. European Journal of Economic Studies, 7 (1), 25–32.
  34. Kichurchak, M. (2014). Conceptual principles of public goods reproduction within a market economic system. Aktualni problemy ekonomiky, 155 (5), 20–29. (Scopus)
  35. Kichurchak, M. (2014). Shadow economy as a factor in deformation of public goods reproduction in Ukraine. Ekonomika Ukrainy, 6, 85–94. (in Ukrainian)
  36. Kichurchak, M. (2014). The influencing of the industry on public goods reproduction in the economic system of Ukraine. Ekonomichnyi prostir, 88, 39–56. (in Ukrainian)
  37. Kichurchak, M. (2013). Reproduction of public goods under administrative economic system’s conditions. Istoriia narodnoho hospodarstva ta ekonomichnoi dumky Ukrainy46, 194–227. (in Ukrainian)
  38. Kichurchak, M. (2013). The peculiarities of program and target method’s using in public goods production. Ukrainskyi sotsium, 2, 140–153. (in Ukrainian)
  39. Kichurchak, M. (2013). Privatization as a factor of public goods reproduction mechanism transformation in Ukraine. Ekonomichnyi chasopys-XXI [Economic Annals-XXI], № 7–8 (1), 26–30. (in Ukrainian) (Scopus)
  40. Kichurchak, M. (2013). The ways of improvement of fiscal exchange system in Ukrainian economy. Finansy Ukrainy, 8, 29–44. (in Ukrainian)
  41. Kichurchak, M. (2012). Retrospectivical analysis of forming contemporary approaches to understanding public good’s essence in Ukrainian economic science. Istoriia narodnoho hospodarstva ta ekonomichnoi dumky Ukrainy, 45, 99–111. (in Ukrainian)
  42. Kichurchak, M. (2012). The peculiarities of public goods nature. Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetuSeriia ekonomichna, 47, 207–216. (in Ukrainian)
  43. Kichurchak, M. (2012). The impact of the social and economic situation in Ukraine on the possibilities of cultural public goods production. Halytskyi ekonomichnyi visnyk, 1, 5–12. (in Ukrainian)
  44. Kichurchak, M. (2012). The ways of improving the budgetary funding of the cultural sphere in Ukraine. Demohrafiia i sotsialna ekonomika, 2, 63–74. (in Ukrainian)
  45. Kichurchak, M. (2012). The cultural institution’s network development and formation of cultural policy in Ukraine. Stratehichni priorytety, 4, 22–31. (in Ukrainian)
  46. Kichurchak, M. (2012). The peculiarities of the cultural public goods consumption in the economy of Ukraine. Ekonomist, 8, 40–43. (in Ukrainian)
  47. Kichurchak, M. (2011). The nature of the duality of cultural public goods. Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetuSeriia ekonomichna, 45, 102–108. (in Ukrainian)
  48. Kichurchak, M. (2011). Public goods theory in foreign economist’s views of XVII–XIX centures. Istoriia narodnoho hospodarstva ta ekonomichnoi dumky Ukrainy, 44, 66–78. (in Ukrainian)
  49. Kichurchak, M. (2011). Estimation of securing level by the art institutions in Ukrainian economy. Ekonomist, 4, 75–77. (in Ukrainian)
  50. Kichurchak, M. (2010). Public goods as an economic category. Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetuSeriia ekonomichna, 43, 303–312. (in Ukrainian)
  51. Kichurchak, M. (2010). The contribution of Ukrainian scientists-economists to the formation of the theory of public goods. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMASeriia “Ekonomichni nauky”, 107, 37– (in Ukrainian)
  52. Kichurchak, M. (2010). Budgetary provision of economic activity in the cultural sphere of Ukraine. Finansy Ukrainy, 2, 36–45. (in Ukrainian)
  53. Kichurchak, M. (2010). Public goods as an economic category in the in the views of economists of the twentieth century. Visnyk ekonomichnoi nauky Ukrainy, 2, 46–50. (in Ukrainian)
  54. Kichurchak, M. (2010). The impact of the banking system on the process of organizing money circulation in Ukraine. Bankivska sprava, 4, 40–56. (in Ukrainian)
  55. Kichurchak, M. (2010). Research tooklit for studying processes of public goods production in national economy. Aktualni problemy ekonomiky, 12, 19–26. (Scopus) (in Ukrainian)
  56. Kichurchak, M. (2009). The impact of the monetary system on the process of public goods production in Ukraine. Formuvannia rynkovoi ekonomiky v Ukraini, 19, 280–289. (in Ukrainian)
  57. Kichurchak, M. (2009). Institutional changes in the economic relations of the cultural sphere in Ukraine. Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetuSeriia ekonomichna, 41 (1), 236–246. (in Ukrainian)
  58. Kichurchak, M. (2009). Some peculiarities of forming the resource base of the banking system in Ukraine. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrainy. Upravlinnia aktyvamy rehionu na osnovi yikh kapitalizatsii, 3 (77), 160–175. (in Ukrainian)
  59. Kichurchak, M. (2008). Industry in the national security system of Ukraine. Ekonomika promyslovosti, 4, 104–122. (in Ukrainian)

Scientific monograph and chapters in monographs

  1. Kichurchak, M. (2021). Evaluation of the cultural sphere budgetary financing at the subnational level in the context of sustainable development in Ukraine. In Maksym Slatvinskyi (Ed.), Financial and security policies for sustainable development (pp. 65–76). Praha: OKTAN PRINT.
  2. Kichurchak, M. (2017). Strategic principles of intensification of enterprise’s investment in public-private partnership in the system of public goods reproduction in Ukraine. In P. Ilchuk (Ed.), Financial providing for the development of business entities of the real sector of the economy (pp. 211–231). Chernihiv: ChNTU: CHNTU. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Kichurchak, M. (2016). Public goods reproduction in the economic system of Ukraine: conceptual principles of theory and practice. Lviv: Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka. (494 p.) (in Ukrainian)
  4. Kichurchak, M. (2016). Formation of the public choice institute of in the system of public goods reproduction in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine. In S.Ivanilov (Ed.), Priorities for the development of the national economy in the context of European integration and global challenges (pp. 382–396). Kharkiv: FOP Panov A.M., Vydav. dim “V spravi”. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Kichurchak, M. (2015). The impact of privatization on the reproduction of public goods in the economic system of Ukraine. In S. Ivanilov (Ed.), Trends and innovations in the modern economy. Kharkiv: KhNUBA. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Kichurchak, M. (2015). The place of M.I.Tuhan-Baranovsky’s ideas of in the theory of reproduction of public goods. In V. Nebrath (Ed.), M.I. Tuhan-Baranovsky: scientist, citizen, state-building (to the 150th anniversary of his birth) (pp. 96–109). Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 2015. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Kichurchak, M. (2014). Public-private partnership in the system of public goods reproduction in Ukraine. In I.Hrynchutsky (Ed.), Transformational processes of the economic system in the conditions of modern challenges (pp. 202–213). Ternopil: Krok.
  8. Kichurchak, M. (2013). Budget innovations in the system of public goods reproduction in Ukraine. In Y.Shvets & M.S.Shashkevych (Eds.), Innovative development of the economy: processes and phenomena (pp. 472–481). Dnipropetrovsk: Natsionalnyi hirnychyi universytet. (in Ukrainian)


  1. Hryniv, Lidiya, & Kichurchak, Marianna. (2008). National Economy. Lviv: “Mahnolia 2006”. (464 p.) (in Ukrainian)
  2. Stefanyshyn, Olha, Kichurchak, Marianna, Kvak, Maria, & Terebukh, (2015). Economic Theory. Lviv: Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka. (336 p.) (in Ukrainian)
  3. Hryniv, Lidiya, & Kichurchak, Marianna. (2020). National Economy of Ukraine. Lviv: Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka. (470 p.) (in Ukrainian)
  4. Kichurchak, Marianna. (2021). Economy of Ukraine: on-line educational publication. Lviv. URL: (in Ukrainian)
  5. Kichurchak, Marianna. (2021). Methods of analysis and forecasting for economic programming: on-line educational publication. Lviv. URL: (in Ukrainian)
  6. Kichurchak, Marianna. (2021). Public-private partnership: on-line educational publication. Lviv. URL: (in Ukrainian)
  7. Kichurchak, Marianna. (2022). Fundamentals of Economics: on-line educational publication. Lviv. URL: . (in Ukrainian)



Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine

Graduate degree: Diploma of Specialist in Specialty “Economic Cybernetics”, Qualification – “Economist-mathematician” (Lviv, Ukraine, 27.06.1997)

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine

Scientific Degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences (Philosophy Doctor in Economics) on Specialty “Economics and History of the Economic Thoughts”

Thesis/Dissertation title: The development of entrepreneurship in the art in the conditions of market transformation of Ukrainian economy

Scientific Degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences on Specialty “Economics and History of the Economic Thoughts” (16.05.2018)

Thesis/Dissertation title: The public goods reproduction in the economic system of Ukraine


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine

Professor Assistant at the Department of Economy of Ukraine, September 2001 – August 2003

Practical classes on “Economy of Ukraine”, “Transition economy of Ukraine”, “National Economy and Globalization”, “Principles of Economics”, “Economic History of Ukraine”, “History of Economic Thought of Ukraine”.

Associate Professor at the Department of Economy of Ukraine, September 2003 – August 2019

Lectures and practical classes on “Economy of Ukraine”, “National economy”, “Principles of Entrepreneurship”, “Regional Economics”, “Principles of Economics”, “Economic Analysis of State Programs”, “Forecasting Methods”.

Professor at the Department of Economy of Ukraine, September 2019 – present

Lectures and practical classes on “Economy of Ukraine”, “Principles of Economics”, “Economic Analysis of State Programs and Forecasting Methods”, “Methods of analysis and forecasting for economic programming”, “Public-Private Partnership”.

Took part in the research programs of the Department of Economy of Ukraine:

  • Theoretical and applied principles of the sustainable development of the national economy in Ukraine (registration number 0108U008917), 2008–2011;
  • State programming of sustainable development in the national economy: theoretical and applies aspects (registration number 0112U003753), 2012–2015;
  • Scientific principles of forming a strategy for sustainable development in Ukraine (registration number 0116U001678), 2016–2019
  • State regulation of structural changes in the system of forming the national economy of sustainable development (registration number 0120U101806), 2020 – present


The scholarship of a young scientist for scientific achievements in the economic field awarded by Lviv Regional State Administration (Ukraine, 2003–2004)

The diploma of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for the second place in the competition “The best textbook from humanitarian area in 2020–2021 academic year” (The book title: “Hryniv, L., Kichurchak, M. (2020). National economy of Ukraine. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv”, Lviv, Ukraine, on October 2021)


The main scientific works:

  • one monograph “Reproduction of public goods in the economic system of Ukraine: conceptual foundations of theory and practice” (Lviv, 2016) and eight chapters in the monographs (“Economy of Ukraine: national development strategy” (Lviv, 2009, in co-author), “M.I.Tugan-Baranovsky: a scientist, citizen and statesman (150th anniversary of birth)” (Kyiv, 2015, in co-author), “Financial and security policies for sustainable development” (Praha, 2021, in co-author) and others);
  • three textbooks: “National Economy” (Lviv, 2008 and 2009, in co-author), “Economic Theory” (Lviv, 2015, in co-author), “National Economy of Ukraine” (Lviv, 2020, in co-author.)
  • scientific papers:
  • Kichurchak, M. (2022) Structural changes in the information and communication sector in the creative economy of the EU countries: experience for Ukraine. Ekonomika i prohnozuvannia, 3, 115–130. (in Ukrainian)
  •  Kichurchak, M. (2022). Factors of budgetary funding for higher education in the European countries in the context of sustainable and human development: experience for Ukraine. Financial and credit activity problems of theory and practice, 2 (43), 279–287.
  • Kichurchak, M. (2021). Development of the higher education market in the EU countries as a factor of human capital accumulation: experience for Ukraine. Economic Annals-ХХI, 192 (7–8), 52–62.
  • Kichurchak, M. (2021). Factors of evolution and coevolution of cultural and creative industries in economics. Istoriia narodnoho hospodarstva ta ekonomichnoi dumky Ukrainy, 54, 242–263. (in Ukrainian)
  • Kichurchak, M. (2021). Theoretical and methodological principles of the information and communication technology sector influence on public goods reproduction. Ekonomichnyi prostir, 175, 7–12. (in Ukrainian)
  • Kichurchak, M. (2020). Evaluation of cultural sphere development in the European Union countries as a factor of forming social capital and creative industries: experience for Ukraine. Economic Annals-ХХI, 184 (7–8), 68–78.
  • Kichurchak, M. (2020). Evaluation of the cultural sphere budgetary financing at the subnational level in the context of sustainable development in Ukraine. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, (35). Р. 230–237.
  • Kichurchak, M. (2019). Bank deposit activity in Ukraine: Directions and factors of development activation. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 6 (1), 145–160.


Took part in numerous international scientific and practical conferences in Ukraine and abroad, among them the most important are:

  • ІІІ International scientific-practical conference “Business, Innovation, Management: problems and perspectives”, Kyiv, Ukraine, on December, 8;
  • Modern transformations in economics and management: V International scientific-practical conference, Klaipeda, Lithuania, on March 26–27, 2021;
  • Public communication in science: philosophical, cultural, political, economic and IT context: International scientific and practical conference, Houston, USA, on May 15, 2020.

Was a member of the committee of the scientific conferences:

  • Scientific heritage of Professor Zlupko S.M. in the light of the formation of the modern paradigm of economic science in Ukraine: All-Ukrainian Memorial Scientific Conference, Lviv (Ukraine), on September 29–30, 2011.
  • New models of sustainable development: problems and prospects: materials of the round table dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Department of Economy of Ukraine named after M.Tugan-Baranovsky, Lviv (Ukraine), on May 23, 2018;
  • Scientific readings “Economic Ukrainika of Professor S.M.Zlupko in the light of the formation of a new paradigm of scientific research” (to the 90th anniversary of birth, 15.07.1931 – 15.11.2021), Lviv (Ukraine), on February 7, 2022

Held the webinar on the topic “Economic Determinants of the War in Ukraine: Attempts to Analyse based on Insufficient Data” (on May 24, 2022) organized by the Department of Economy of Ukraine and the Trade Union Bureau of Students of the Economic Faculty of Ivan Franko National University.

Held the research seminar on the topic “Structural changes in the information and communication sector of the EU countries: experience for Ukraine” at Technology University of Chemnitz (Germany, on December 13, 2022).


Good governance in the EU and lessons for Ukraine: from policy development to its organization”: Training Programme organized by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Western Ukrainian Research Centre for European Studies” of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (March 18–21, 2019, 32 acad. hours, JMA No. 2019 1-TR).

Międzynarodowe projekty: przygotowanie, wnioskowanie, zarządzanie oraz sprawozdawczość” (“International Projects: Writing ̧ Application, Management and Reporting”, Uczelnię Nauk Społecznych w Łodzi (UNS) we współpracy z Fundacją Central European Academy Studies and Sertifications (CEASC), Polska, 29.10.2020–2.12.2020, 180 hours / 6 ECTS credits, Diploma number 2020/12/1691).

Workshop “DAAD DIES Webinar Series “Creating Impact with Science Marketing” (15.06.2020 – 30.06.2020, 10 hours, Universitat Wurzburg).

Participated in the mobility within the project CEASC – Central European Academy Studies and Certifications (Theological Institute TF Catholical University in Ružomberok, Slovakia, 29.10.2020 – 2.12.2020, Reg. No: KSE/677/2020).

Training program “Teaching Excellence” (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 01.10.2020–23.01.2021, 6 ECTS, Diploma number 02070987/000037-21).

German Ukrainian Techonology Transfer: internships university program (GUTT.INUP)” (Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Kyiv Academic University with support of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), October 18, 2021 – Desember 1, 2021 with a total amount of 6 ECTS (180 hours), incl. 80 h. webinars and 100 h. project work, Diploma number 0054 / GUTT.INUP / 2021).

Training program “Leadership School. University Management 2.0” (UCU Business School, SoftServe IT Company, for Leadership School, 15.09.2021-31.09.2022, 108 hours, Diploma number BS 0020220339).

Scholarship within the DAAD program “Ukraine Digital: Studienerfolg in Krisenzeiten sichern”, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), financed be the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): at the Professorship Innovation Research and Technology Managenent at the Faculty of Economics (Technology University of Chemnitz, 27.11.202223.12.2022)


A member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Economic Commission, Lviv, Ukraine, 20032014.

A member of the editorial board of professional scientific publications:

  • Bulletin of Lviv University. Economic series” (ISSN: 2078-6115, Lviv, Ukraine, since 2019);
  • Formation of market economy in Ukraine” (ISSN: 2078-5860, Lviv, Ukraine, since 2019);
  • History of national economy and economic thought of Ukraine” (ISSN 0320-4421, Kyiv, Ukraine, since 2020).

Scientific interests: state, problems and prospects of development of Ukraine’s economy in the context of sustainability, entrepreneurial activity in the economy of Ukraine, economics of education, institutional transformations in the national economy, reproduction of public goods, public finance,
information and communication sector, creative and cultural industries.

Методичні матеріали


  1. Hryniv, Lidiya, & Kichurchak, Marianna. (2008). National Economy. Lviv: “Mahnolia 2006”. (464 p.) (in Ukrainian)
  2. Stefanyshyn, Olha, Kichurchak, Marianna, Kvak, Maria, & Terebukh, (2015). Economic Theory. Lviv: Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka. (336 p.) (in Ukrainian)
  3. Hryniv, Lidiya, & Kichurchak, Marianna. (2020). National Economy of Ukraine. Lviv: Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka. (470 p.) (in Ukrainian)
  4. Kichurchak, Marianna. (2021). Economy of Ukraine: on-line educational publication. Lviv. URL: (in Ukrainian)
  5. Kichurchak, Marianna. (2021). Methods of analysis and forecasting for economic programming: on-line educational publication. Lviv. URL: (in Ukrainian)
  6. Kichurchak, Marianna. (2021). Public-private partnership: on-line educational publication. Lviv. URL: (in Ukrainian)
  7. Kichurchak, Marianna. (2022). Fundamentals of Economics: on-line educational publication. Lviv. URL: . (in Ukrainian)


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