Semen Matkovskyi

Посада: Професор, Statistics Department

Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-40-29

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Наукові інтереси

Field of scientific interests – statistics; theoretical and methodological aspects, problems and methodology of statistical analysis and forecasting of socio-economic phenomena and processes; cross-border statistics; indicators of assessment of socio-economic development of the country and region.


Textbooks, manuals

  • Business statistics: education manual / [Matkovskyi S.O., Hrynkevich O.S., Vdovin M.L., Vilchynska O.M., Marets O.R., Sorochak O.Z.] – Kyiv: Alerta, 2016. – 281 p. Contents view
  • Methodology of scientific research in statistics: education manual /[S.O. Matkovskyi, M.L. Vdovin, O. S. Hrynkevich and others]. Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2015, 378 p. Contents view
  • Statistics of enterprises: education manual / [S.O. Matkovskyi, O.S. Hrynkevich, O.Z. Sorochak, etc.]; under the editorship S.O. Matkovsky – Kyiv: ALERTA, 2013, 560 p. Contents view
  • Statistics: education manual / [S.O. Matkovskyi, M.L. Vdovin, O.S. Hrynkev and others]; under the editorship Matkovsky S.O. – Lviv: Novy svit-2000. 2012. 430 p. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine (Letter No. 1/11-4829 dated April 10, 2012).
  • Statistics: knowledge diagnostic tools: education manual / [Matkovskyi S.O., Vdovin M.L., Panchyshyn T.V. etc. ]; under the editorship S.O. Matkovskyi. – Lviv: “New World-2000” Publishing House, 2012. – 224 p. Contents view
  • Theory of statistics: 2nd ed., ed. manual / [Matkovskyi S. O., Marets O. R.] – K.: Znannya, 2010. – 534 p. Contents view
  • Statistics: education manual / S. O. Matkovskyi, M. L. Vdovin, T. V. Panchyshyn. – Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU Publishing Center, 2010. – 344 p. Contents view
  • Statistics: workshop / [S.O. Matkovskyi, M.L. Vdovin, O.S. Hrynkevich and others]; under the editorship Matkovsky S.O. – Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU Publishing House. 2009. – 215 p.View contentsContents view
  • Statistics: education manual / [S.O. Matkovskyi, L.I. Halkiv, O.S. Hrynkevich, O.Z. Sorochak] – Lviv: Novy svit-2000, 2009. – 430 p. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine (Letter No. 1.4/ 18-G-2161 dated 10.22.08)

Monographs. Informational and analytical publications

  • Scientific and informative statistical collection. According to the scientific editorship of S. Matkovskyi. “Lviv region in the cross-border space. Statistical indicators”. Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Region. – Lviv, 2018.
  • Socio-economic potential of cross-border cooperation / Collective monograph; under the editorship S.Matkovsky, M.Cierpiał-Wolan. – Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine) ; University of Rzeszow (Poland). – 2017.
  • Collective monograph: M. Tsyarpal-Volan, S. Matkovsky and others. “Badanie podrezy – wykorzystanie wielu metod baewczych / Koncepcia badan obszarow przygranicznych Ukrainy”. Publication of the Office of Statistics in Rzeszów under the Polish cooperation program. Rzeszow, 2017.
  • Methodological recommendations for conducting a regional survey of internally displaced persons-citizens of Ukraine [Text] / [edited by: Doctor of Economics, Prof. Sadova U.Ya., Doctor of Economics, Prof. S.O. Matkovskyi, Doctor of Economics, Assoc. Hrynkevich] National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. State University “Institute of Regional Studies named after M.I. Dolishnyi”. – 2014. – 34 p.
  • Wroclaw and Lviv – partner cities // editorial board – Halyna Wozniak, Agnieszka Ilchuk, Stanislav Kaminsky, Agata Hyrul, Svitlana Zymovina, Semen Matkovskyi, Olga Perestyuk, Krzysztof Popinskii – Wroclaw, Poland, 2015. – 89 p.
  • Investment climate of Lviv region: scientific and analytical publication / science. ed. S.O. Matkovskyi. – Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2014. – 206 p.
  • Investment situation in Lviv region: scientific and analytical publication / science. ed. S.O. Matkovskyi. – Lviv, 2014. – 136 p.
  • Development strategy of the Lviv region until 2015. Monitoring. Evaluation indicators. Methodological explanations / science. ed. Semen Matkovskyi, Eva Bonchak-Kukharchyk. – Lviv, Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Region, 2006. – 160 p.

Other scientific publications

  • Matkovskyy, N. Lutchyn. Subiektywna ocena jakości życia na Ukrainie: analiza regionalna // Spójność i dobrostan społeczności lokalnych a rozwój innowacyjny. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. 2019.-S.257-270.
  • Matkovskii S. O., Vaskiv S. F. Complex statistical studies of travel: the experience of Poland and its significance for Ukraine // Statistics in Ukraine and the world: state, trends and prospects for development: materials of the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference on the occasion of the Day of Statistics Workers. Kyiv: “Information and Analytical Agency”, 2018. P.81-85.
  • S. Matkovskyy. Zmiany demograficzne w odwodzie lwowskim – konsekwencje i wyzwania // Sytuacja demograficzna Podkarpacja jako wyzwanie dla polityki spolecznej i gospodarczej. Rzadowa Rada ludnosciowa, Redakcja naukowa Jozefina Hrynkiewicz, Alina Potrykowska, Warszawa. – 2017. C.85-95.
  • Matkovsky S.O. Kravtsiv V.S. Development of cross-border cooperation.// National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, State University “Institute of Regional Researches named after M.I. Dolishnyi National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”; Lviv, 2017, – (Series “Problems of regional development”). 89 p
  • Matkovskyy S., Hrynkevych O. Jakosc ksztalcenia w szkolach wyzszych w Ukrainie oraz metody stosowane do jej oceny.// Jakosc zycia i spoinosc przestrzenna : monographia pod redakcja Wlodzimierza Okrasy. Wydawnictwo naukove Uniwersytetu Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego, Warszawa, 2017. С. 257-272.
  • Matkovskyy S.O. Small cross-border movement of Ukraine – Poland// Formation of the market economy of Ukraine. Issue 35, Part II. – 2016. P.29-36.
  • Matkovsky S.O. Cross-border statistics as a tool for analyzing the socio-economic development of border areas / S.A. Matkovsky, S. F. Vaskiv // Accounting, analysis and audit: history, modernity, prospects: collection of scientific articles / editorial board: A. I. Belousov [and others]. – Minsk: BSEU, BGATU, 2015. – P.54-59
  • Matkovsky S.O. The role of statistics in monitoring the socio-economic development of cross-border territories / S.O. Matkovskyi, S.F. Vaskiv // Applied statistics: problems of theory and practice. Coll. of science Ave. Issue 15 / National Acad. statistics, accounting and auditing; Ed. col.: O.G. Osaulenko (chief editor) and others. – K.: LLC “Vydavnycho – printing house “Format”. – 2014. – P.29-35
  • Matkovskyi S.O., Hrynkevich O.S. About the system of indicators of the statistical study of entrepreneurship // Statistics of Ukraine. – No. 4 – 2014. – P.34-45
  • Matkovskyi S.O., Hrynkevich O.S. Development directions of Ukrainian labor market statistics as a component of institutional support for its regulation // Labor market of Ukraine: European dimension: International Scientific and Practical Conference (Kyiv, June 25, 2015)
  • Matkovsky S.O. Statistics in the process of monitoring socio-economic development of cross-border territories / S.O. Matkovskyi, S.F. Vaskiv // System of state statistics in Ukraine: current state, problems, prospects: coll. abstracts of speeches at the 12th International Scientific and Practical Conference on the occasion of the Day of Statistics Workers. – K.: NASOA, 2014. – P. 34-37
  • Matkovskyy Semen, Vaskiv Stepan. Statistical research of small border traffic of goods and services between Ukraine and Poland // The third international scientific conference «Statistics of the XXI Century: New challenges, new opportunities», Kyiv. Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv, 2015. – 39-40


Born on February 12, 1947 in the village of Kozary, Rohatyn district, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukrainian. In 1964, he graduated from the 11th grade of the Bukachiv secondary school. In 1964-1969, he studied at the Ivan Franko Lviv State University at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, majoring in “Mathematics, Computational Mathematics”. Received the qualification “mathematician-computer”.


After graduating from Ivan Franko Lviv State University, he was assigned to work at the Lviv Regional Department of Statistics. He started his career as a software engineer. In 1969-1978 he worked as an engineer of the department of algorithmization and programming of statistical tasks of the Computing Center of the Statistical Department of Lviv Region, from 1976 – deputy head of the department, from 1978-1987 – head of the Computing Center, and from 1987 – first deputy head of Main Department of Statistics in Lviv region. In 1992, he was appointed head of the Main Department of Statistics in the Lviv Region and held this position until his retirement as a civil servant (2012). Managed the conduct of the First All-Ukrainian population census in the Lviv region (2001). The 7th rank of civil servant was assigned. Since 2012, he has been the head of the Department of Statistics at Ivan Franko Lviv National University on a permanent basis.

Educational – scientific activity

Since 1982, he worked part-time at the Ivan Franko Lviv State University as a senior lecturer at the Department of Mechanized Economic Information Processing (1982-1993), associate professor at the Department of Economic Informatics and ACS (1993-1995), associate professor at the Department of Finance, Credit and of statistics (1995-1998). He initiated the creation of the department of statistics (since 1998), all the time he was and is the head of the department of statistics until now. Candidate of economic sciences since 1993. He defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Methods of assessing the effectiveness of the development of the industrial and economic complex of the region”. In 1994, he received the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Economic Informatics and ASU, and in 2002 – the academic title of professor of the Department of Statistics

Possesses fundamental knowledge of the theoretical foundations of statistics, modern information technologies and has extensive experience in practical work. Takes an active part in the introduction of new research methods and international standards into statistical practice. As part of the scientific and information activities of the department, he organized and managed the construction of the information statistical database “Infostat” of the Main Department of Statistics in the Lviv region. He was the main coordinator of the development of the electronic version of the data bank of statistical information subsystems: “All-Ukrainian census”, “Population statistics of Ukraine”, “Passport of the region”, “Regional statistics”, “Data bank of statistics of Lviv region”.

Matkovskyi S. O. is the author of about 220 scientific works.

Supervises the work of graduate students. Professor Matkovskyi S. O. gives lectures for students of the Faculty of Economics in the following academic disciplines: “Statistics”, “International Statistics”, “Business Statistics”, “Economics and Organization of Statistical Activities”.

Numerous statistical publications and analytical materials produced under his leadership were the basis for the formation of strategies and programs of socio-economic development of the Lviv region, the work of the collegium of the regional state administration, and the information and analytical base for making management decisions.

Head of the scientific topic of the department No. 0116U001642 “Methodology of formation and use of statistical database and metadata in regional administration”, which is carried out within the working hours of the department’s teachers. Participates in the implementation of the research topic “Mechanisms of migration regulation in the conditions of transformation of regional labor markets”.

Cooperation and public work

He actively took part in the work and is a member of a number of commissions and interdepartmental groups formed under the regional state administration. Takes an active position on issues of development of statistical methodology in Ukraine and implementation of the latest information technologies. Under his leadership, a number of pilot projects were tested in the region. He initiated the creation of the Council of Heads of Territorial Statistics Bodies and was its first head.

Member of the editorial board of scientific journals: “Statistics of Ukraine”, “Wiadomosti Statystyczne” GUS: PTS, Poland, “Economic Barometer” – the magazine of the Higher School of Administration in Zamosti, scientific bulletin of the Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after S.Z. Gzhitskyi, scientific bulletin of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Member of the Statistics Section of the Scientific and Methodological Commission for Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Statistics Section).

Advisor to the Head of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, member of the Board of the Main Directorate of Statistics in the Lviv Region, member of the Lviv Regional State Administration Commission on Awards, member of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Union of Economists, Chairman of the Lviv Regional Union of Economists, head of the scientific information and statistical cross-border cluster “INFOSTAT UKRAINE – POLAND”.

Familiar with the achievements of international statistics, cooperates with statistical services of other countries. Together with Polish statisticians, he is the co-author of a number of publications on Ukrainian-Polish cross-border cooperation. Actively cooperates with foreign institutions: the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rzeszów in Poland, the Center for Statistical Research and Education of the Main Directorate of Statistics in Warsaw, the Statistics Office of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in accordance with the partnership agreement on the creation of a scientific information and statistical cross-border cluster “INFOSTAT UKRAINE-POLAND”.

In order to implement international standards in statistics and advanced information technologies, to develop the methodology of cross-border statistics, close cooperation has been established with: the Higher School of Management and Administration in the city of Zamosc; Bronislav Markevich State Higher Technical and Economic School in Yaroslavl; Statistical offices of voivodships of the Republic of Poland in the cities of Rzeszów, Lublin and Wroclaw; Central Statistics Office of Sweden and Statistics Denmark.


He has received awards and honorary titles for his labor activity: the medal “For labor activity” (1986), the honorary title “Honored Economist of Ukraine” (2004), the award “For services to the statistics of the Republic of Poland” (2006), thanks of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2003) , certificates of honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Lviv Regional State Administration (2007), an exclusive watch “From the Head of Regional State Administration” (2007), badges “For conscientious work in state statistics bodies” (2008) and “Honorary Statistician” (2012).

Certification training

Matkovskyi S. O. underwent advanced training at the Bulgarian National Training Center (1991), at the Institute of Public Administration and Self-Government under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (1992), at the Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (1999).


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