Department of Statistics

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  • Співробітники
  • Викладацький розклад
  • Новини

Welcome to the


A brief history of the department (ukr)
Development strategy of the department (ukr)
Research interests (ukr)
Graduates of the department (ukr)
Schedule of teacher consultations (ukr)

training of highly qualified specialists in economics, analytics and legal regulation in business, capable of professional mobility and continuous improvement


ensuring international quality standards for the training of specialists in economics, data analytics and business law


  • Bachelor ‘s degree (based on general secondary education or diploma of junior specialist)
  • Master ‘s degree (based on a bachelor’s degree)
  • «Economic Analytics and Business Statistics» – in cooperation with the IT cluster of Lviv, MSO in Lviv region and graduates of the department
  • «Economics and legal regulation in business» – from 2022 interdisciplinary program of economics and law faculties of Ivan FrankoLviv National University
  • «Business Statistics and Analytics»


The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department includes 14 experienced teachers (professors, associate professors and assistants) who combine scientific and educational activities with professional practice, have experience in public and private companies in collecting, processing and analyzing information, implementing international and regional projects. issues of economics, statistics and analysis of the business environment, labor markets and educational services, social development.




завідувачOlha Hrynkevychзавідувач
ПрофесорSemen MatkovskyiПрофесор
ДоцентSvitlana KvakДоцент
ДоцентMariya KvasniyДоцент
ДоцентNataliia LutchynДоцент
ДоцентAurika MyroniukДоцент
ДоцентTaras PanchyshynДоцент
ДоцентDariia PoliuhaДоцент
ДоцентIryna Prokopovych-PavliukДоцент
ДоцентNataliia SavkaДоцент
АсистентStepan VaskivАсистент
Старший лаборантOleksandra VaskivСтарший лаборант

Викладацький розклад

Guest Lectures by Experienced Executive Eckhard Kehrein from Germany for Management Students

18.11.2024 | 19:13

On October 31, second- and third-year students of the Management specialty (code 073) attended a guest lecture series led by Eckhard Kehrein, the Managing Director of the Horst Rogusch Foundation for Sustainable Entrepreneurship.
Eckhard Kehrein is a seasoned entrepreneur, consultant, trainer, and coach with extensive experience in leadership roles within international companies. As the Executive Director of the Horst Rogusch Foundation for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, he supports sustainable development projects and assists young entrepreneurs in enhancing their management skills.
The first lecture, “Mental...

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Invited lecturer from Belgium Jean-Paul Vande Reyde gives a course on emotional intelligence for students of the Faculty of Economics at Lviv University

15.11.2024 | 15:05

On November 7, 2024, a series of lectures by the famous Belgian business trainer and emotional intelligence coach Jean-Paul Vande Reyde began at the Faculty of Economics of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The course, dedicated to the topic “Emotional intelligence in business”, is intended for students of the Faculty of Economics, in particular, the educational programs “International Economy” and “Business Economics”.
Jean-Paul Vande Reyde is a long-term expert in the field of emotional intelligence and personnel management who speaks...

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Guest Lectures on European Digital Marketing Management Delivered by Dr. Sven Wilhelm

14.11.2024 | 13:23

From October 24 to November 7, students of management attended a series of guest lectures on European Digital Marketing Management, delivered by Dr. Sven Wilhelm. The lectures were part of the “Digital Marketing Management” course taught in English, as well as the “PR Management” course led by Associate Professor Marianna Kokhan. Master’s students enrolled in “Project Management,” instructed by Associate Professor Anna Hryshchuk, also participated in the event.

The lectures were open to all students in management, providing a broad opportunity...

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Associate Professor of the Department of Management Marianna Kokhan joins the International Staff Training Week 2024 at the Freie Universität Berlin

02.07.2024 | 11:12

From June 10 to 14, 2024, the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) hosted the International Staff Training Week 2024with the support of the EU Erasmus+ educational program and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This year, the event gathered a record 150 participants from more than 50 universities in Europe, the USA, China, India, Africa, Israel, and others. Lviv University was represented at this international event by Dr Marianna Kokhan, associateprofessor of Management at the Faculty of Economics and manager of...

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On the guest lecture by Prof. Dr Maryna Negrey (Collegium Helveticum ETH Zurich, Switzerland) for students of the ‘International Economics’ educational programme

08.06.2024 | 21:53

On May 24, 2024, Professor, Dr. Maryna Negrey from the Collegium Helveticum of ETH Zurich (Switzerland) delivered an online lecture titled “War and Agriculture: An In-depth Analysis of the Impact of the Russian Invasion on the Ukraine’s Agricultural Sector and the Path to Post-War Recovery” at the invitation of Professor Marianna Kichurchak from the Department of Economy of Ukraine.
Professor, Dr. Maryna Negrey actively researches the agricultural sector of Ukraine’s economy and has served as a visiting professor in the Group...

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