Department of Information Systems in Management

  • About the Department
  • History of Department
  • Strateg
  • Employees
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • News

The Department of Information Systems in Management was established in 1969. Since its establishment, the department has changed its name several times, which was associated with the dynamic development of scientific and applied activities of the department, the modernization of specialties for the training of specialists with higher education. During 1969-89 it was named The Department of Mechanized Processing of Economic Information, 1989-95 the Department of Economic Informatics and Automated Control Systems. From 1995 to the present day – The Department of Inforation Systems in Management.

The department was headed by Assoc. Obuhanich V.M. (1969-1974), Assoc. Tsegelik G.G. (1974-1984), prof. Yurinets V.Ye. (1984-2012). Since 2012 the department is headed by prof. Pryimak V.I.

The department prepares bachelors in management and administration, as well as masters in information technology.

The department provides teaching courses on modern problems of algorithmization and programming, technologies for designing and administering databases and data wкузщішещкшуі, technologies for developing software and intelligent systems, information project management, information systems and enterprise technologies, economic information processing systems, information systems and management technologies. theories of decision making, expert systems, information security.

One of the main tasks of the department is to conduct research on information modeling, development and improvement of information technology and economic and mathematical methods for effective use in economic and managerial activities.

The department develops the following scientific directions of research:
• information models of financial and economic activity of enterprises in the conditions of formation of market economy of Ukraine;
• conceptual principles and models for determining the impact of organizational costs change on the choice of optimal material, financial and information flows;
• conceptual information models and technologies of managerial decision-making in conditions of market uncertainty;
• the influence of information technology on the efficiency of management of material, financial and information flows, as well as human capital;
• game-theoretic approaches and models of optimization of production and competitive costs.

The teaching staff and graduate students of the graduating department are working on the implementation of the scientific budget topic “Information and analytical technologies in the management of socio-economic systems” (state registration number 0116U1640).

The department holds the International scientific-practical conference “Problems of information economy formation in Ukraine”.

Employees, graduates students, researchers and doctoral students of the department defended 26 PhD work and 7 doctoral dissertations, published 18 monographs and 27 textbooks (manuals).


The global process of society informatization involves the active use of the intellectual potential of society, the integration of information technology in scientific and industrial activities, the intellectualization of labor. This has led to a rapid increase in demand for the training of unique professionals who would master highly effective information and management technologies.

Our values

• Meet the challenges of the times.
• Generate the changes that the information society needs.
• Train specialists who have modern means of development and operation of high-level information systems and technologies.
• Shape a personality with a sense of national and patriotic duty and respect for historical memory.


Research and implementation in educational programs of modern information systems and technologies, in particular is the priority and strategic approaches towards development of the department of information systems in management:
• decision-making technologies;
• e-business technologies;
• HR technologies;
• corporate information systems;
• technologies for organizing work with clients;
• cloud technologies;
• modern database and storage management systems;
• business intelligence technologies;
• Data Mining;
• Big Data, etc.

Strategic goals

• Approval of the Department of Information Systems in Management as a structural unit of the Faculty of Economics, which deals with the introduction of modern information systems and technologies in educational programs.
• Comprehensive development of creative potential of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department.
• Providing personal and professional growth of students, the formation of competencies that determine the competitiveness of graduates.

Strategic tasks

In education:
• development of new, improvement of existing curricula and programs;
• participation in the development and implementation of state educational standards;
• deepening the scientific component of master’s programs;
• introduction of plagiarism prevention system in term papers and master’s theses;
• introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process;
• updating / development of educational and methodological complexes in the disciplines of the department;
• updating / development of electronic teaching aids in the main disciplines of the department;
• preparation for post-graduate accreditation in the specialty “Management”;
• preparation for accreditation of bachelors in the specialty “Management” (educational program “Information Systems in Management”);
• preparation for accreditation of masters in the specialty “Computer Science” (educational program “Consolidated Information”);
• internship of scientific and pedagogical staff, their professional development;
• highly effective integration of research and teaching activities of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department;
• cooperation in the direction of adopting the experience of educational and methodical work with foreign universities;
• publication of textbooks, manuals, texts of lectures, workshops, guidelines;
• management of students’ internships.

In science:
research in the field of socio-economic sciences and information systems and technologies (the research sphere “Mathematical models and information technology in the management of socio-economic processes”);
• formation and development of scientific and pedagogical potential of the department (publication of monographs; printing of articles in publications indexed in international scientometric databases, including Scopus and Web of Science; printing of articles in professional journals; presentation of scientific reports at conferences, including membership in the editorial board of scientific journals “Visnyk of Lviv National University” economic series and “Formation of market economy of Ukraine”, membership in specialized scientific councils for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of economics D 35.051.01 and D 35.051.22; preparation of expert opinions on dissertations, responses to dissertation abstracts, etc.);
• development of scientific and technical cooperation between the department and IT companies;
• organization of joint research of teachers and graduate students of the department with scientists from other countries;
• monitoring and increasing the impact of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department – the Hirsch index;
• training of scientific personnel;
• introduction of scientific results into the educational process;
• involvement of students in scientific activities of various forms and types.

In career guidance and organizational areas:
• fostering in young people a sense of national and patriotic duty and respect for historical memory;
• establishing partnerships with leading IT companies and other higher education institutions in order to pass the internship of teachers;
• establishing partnerships with leading IT companies for free transfer of licensed software to the university;
• systematic updating of specialized software that is freely distributed;
• establishing partnerships with leading IT companies to organize student internships;
• establishing partnerships with leading IT companies to provide students with free access to cloud technologies;
• involvement of employees of leading IT companies in the educational process;
• establishing partnerships with graduates of the department to share professional experience;
• career guidance for bachelor’s and school graduates;
• work to promote the employment of graduates;
• orientation of the best master’s graduates to postgraduate studies;
• involvement of employees of the department and students in the decision-making process;
• encouraging the teaching staff of the department to improve their knowledge of foreign languages;
• stimulating the teaching staff of the department to increase their professional rating;
• organization of the International scientific-practical conference “Problems of information economy in Ukraine”.


ChairpersonVasyl PryimakChairperson
Associate ProfessorOleksandra BelzAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlha HolubnykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorBohdan MelnykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNataliia MelnykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNataliia MishchukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorSvitlana PryimaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorStepan TrokhaniakAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIvan TverdokhlibAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorStefaniia VyshnevskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOleksandr ZavadaAssociate Professor
Senior LecturerNadiia NesterovychSenior Lecturer
LecturerMariia KohutLecturer

Lecturers' schedule

On the guest lecture by Prof. Dr Maryna Negrey (Collegium Helveticum ETH Zurich, Switzerland) for students of the ‘International Economics’ educational programme

08.06.2024 | 21:53

On May 24, 2024, Professor, Dr. Maryna Negrey from the Collegium Helveticum of ETH Zurich (Switzerland) delivered an online lecture titled “War and Agriculture: An In-depth Analysis of the Impact of the Russian Invasion on the Ukraine’s Agricultural Sector and the Path to Post-War Recovery” at the invitation of Professor Marianna Kichurchak from the Department of Economy of Ukraine.
Professor, Dr. Maryna Negrey actively researches the agricultural sector of Ukraine’s economy and has served as a visiting professor in the Group...

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Guest Lecture on Resilience in Management by Prof. Dr. Charlotte Förster (Chemnitz University of Technology)

21.05.2024 | 20:10

On May 20, 2024, almost 100 participants gathered on the Zoom platform to attend a highly anticipated guest lecture by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Charlotte Förster from Chemnitz University of Technology. This event, organized as part of the joint project “Educational Bridge Chemnitz-Lviv 2024” under the program “Digital Ukraine” of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, brought together bachelor’s and master’s students from the Management programs, as well professors at...

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Lecture of Prof. Dr. Maryna Nehrey (Collegium Helveticum, ETH Zurich, Switzerland) for students of educational programme “International Economics” (May 24, 2024 at 11:50 a.m.)

18.05.2024 | 02:54

On the 24th May 2024 (Friday) at 11:50 a.m. Kyiv time, Prof. Dr. Maryna Nehrey from Collegium Helveticum, ETH Zurich, Switzerland will deliver a lecture on “War and agriculture: an in-depth analysis of the impact of the Russian invasion on Ukraine’s agricultural sector and the path to post-war recovery” to the first-year bachelor’s students of educational programme “International Economics” as part of the “Economy of Ukraine” course taught by Professor Marianna Kichurchak.
To join the event, please follow this link:
Conference ID:...

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Online Guest Lecture by Dr Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel from the Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany) as Part of the Joint Project “Lernbrücke Chemnitz-Lviv 2024”

18.04.2024 | 11:35

On April 12, 2024, Doctor Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel from Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany), invited by Professor of the Department of Economy of Ukraine Marianna Kichurchak, held the online lecture “Innovation Systems-2” for the first-year students of the educational programmes “International Economics” (11:50 a.m. – 13:10 p.m.) and “Business Economics” (13:30 p.m. – 14:50 p.m.) at the Faculty of Economics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The guest lecture was delivered as part of the “Economy of Ukraine” course.
This event...

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