Enactus LNU

  • Про нас
  • Новини

The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv is a classical institution of higher education with enduring traditions and powerful scientific schools incorporating modern innovative trends. The  University has a special mission:

  • to define and apply educational and scientific standards;
  • to generate changes needed in a region, country or the world;
  • to form an individuality who create – a bearer of intellectual and innovative potential.

Today we will focus on the second and third points.

We act on the basis of preserving Ukrainian culture and developing national consciousness and identity. The University’s priority is scientific work. An important component of the system of professional training of specialists at the University is the research work of students.

The scientific achievements of our students at the national level are quite significant, but not only scientific activity generates successful and highly educated specialists. At the university, we focus on forming students as socially responsible members of society. We understand that by creating environment for unlocking students’ creativity and overcoming their social inactivity, society can gain opportunities for self-development. It is young people who should take an active part in the process of democratization and solving social problems of the country.

In order to achieve this goal, such student organizations function at the university.

Students Public organizations of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

  • Students’ Trade Union Committee
  • Students’ government
  • Regional Agency for Sustainable Development
  • Academic Society of Students and Young Researchers
  • Alumni Association
  • EU Information Centre
  • City public organization ‘Laboratory of Ideas’
  • Center “Young Diplomacy”
  • Centre for Ukrainian Studies
  • Enactus LNU


The purpose of all these organizations is to develop a democratic society in Ukraine, to create a civil society, and to raise living standards.

Today we get to know more about the work of the international student program Enactus.

The main mission of this organization is: TO CREATE A BETTER, MORE SUSTAINABLE WORLD. And this purpose coincides with the second mission point of our university.

What does it mean Enactus?

  • Entrepreneurial

– igniting business innovation with integrity and passion

  • Action

– the experience of social impact that sparks social enterprise.

  • Us

– student, academic and business leaders collaborating to create a better world.


Entrepreneurial Action – business innovation that creates social impact.

Entrepreneurial – having the perspective to see an opportunity and the talent to create value from that opportunity;

Action – the willingness to do something and the commitment to see it through even when the outcome is not guaranteed;

Us – a group of people who see themselves connected in some important way; individuals that are part of a greater whole.

And yes, this international student program covers the whole world. Working with leading corporate partners and member universities, Enactus establishes student programs on campuses around the world. With the support and encouragement of their faculty advisors and a local business advisory board, Enactus students deploy entrepreneurial action to improve the human condition and enable sustainable human progress.

Enactus has established the largest global business and higher education network in the world. This unique network brings together the knowledge of professional educators and the expertise of business leaders to focus the potential of university students preparing for leadership roles in society.

What benefits will student receive from participating in Enactus?

Participation in Enactus provides university students with the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in their communities, while gaining the experience, skills and contacts necessary to build a successful career. As a member of an Enactus team, you’ll be joining a worldwide network of more than 70,500 other students who are each making their own contribution toward shared mission of creating a better world.

Gain Real World Experience

The best way to prepare for the real world is by facing real world challenges. That’s exactly the opportunity you’ll have as an Enactus student. This is not a simulation or case study competition. You’ll be challenged to apply what you’re learning in the classroom to develop real programs that achieve real results for real people. Enactus teams teach families how to gain financial security, equip the unemployed with skills to find productive employment, help aspiring entrepreneurs achieve success, and bring economic development back to struggling neighborhoods. Along the way you’ll develop the kind of teamwork, leadership and communication skills that can only come from real life experiences.

Start a Great Career

Enactus is supported by some of the best companies in the world, who recognize the value of Enactus experience and compete very aggressively for the opportunity to meet and recruit Enactus students. You’ll have the chance to network with executives and recruiters from these companies at Enactus competitions, career fairs and through other interactive events and activities. You’ll also have access to exclusive career resources and content to help you prepare for the transition from college to the workplace. Every year, thousands of students leverage their Enactus experience and contacts to start careers with Enactus donor companies. Here’s your chance to network with and get to know the leaders of some of the top companies in the world.

Such companies are partners of Enactus in Ukraine:

  • PWC Lviv
  • Lviv Regional Youth Center
  • Trade Union of Economic

Represent Your University

Enactus is a team-based activity – you’ll be a member of a team that represents your university within the community and the Enactus network, directly contributing to the positive reputation of your university with each success you have. You’ll also represent your university in competition with other colleges and universities at the national level and if your team is good enough, you’ll have the once in a lifetime chance to compete for a world championship against the best teams in the world. As you and your teammates go about the process of building your team, developing projects, finding funding, overcoming obstacles and adversity and participating in a competition, you’ll develop the kinds of bonds and friendships that can last a lifetime.

What are University’s benefits of Enactus team creating?

Enactus is more than just another student organization to add on campus. Participating universities join a network of institutions and academic leaders from around the world as well as executives and companies that support Enactus. This partnership comes with a commitment from the Enactus World Headquarters and local country operations to support the continued development of team. University will have access to staff assistance, training resources and events, unique programmatic initiatives and grant opportunities, and competitive events. The faculty advisor of an Enactus team will be providing an important learning experience for students that will last throughout their careers. It’s a professionally rewarding experience that will make a difference in the lives of students and reflect positively on university.

Motivate our Students

The Enactus program has been developed in partnership with leaders from business and higher education to provide students with a platform to apply what they’re learning in the classroom to address real world business and economic issues. It is designed to serve as a natural extension of their academic activities, and the flexibility of what projects the students actually work on allows you to tailor their experiences to best fit the mission of your university as well as your own teaching objectives. The result is students who are more motivated and approach their education with a greater sense of ownership and purpose.

Build Community Relationships

Enactus provides a perfect tool for building relationships between your university and local communities. The program is intentionally flexible to allow Enactus to be relevant in many different types of environments around the world. From the nature of the projects they implement, to the audiences they target, the Enactus program allows teams to position themselves and their university as valuable members of the community.

Connect With Other Leaders

The advisors and executives involved with Enactus represent an influential group of leaders from a diverse range of universities and industries. As an Enactus faculty advisor, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in this network through numerous events at the regional, national and international level. These events take place year-round and provide an opportunity outside of the traditional academic setting to make new contacts, gain timely insights into the ever-changing global business environment, and build mutually beneficial partnerships. Beyond the individual connections, the Enactus network also provides a venue for engaging administrators from your campus and raising the profile of your university within the business community.

Enactus Team was established in 2009 at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Since then, the team has been actively working on various projects.

It’s an incredible 10 years for our student. During this time, more than 300 students were the members of our team. We have implemented about 40 different projects and won the following wins (Enactus at that time was called SIFE):

  • National Сhampion SIFE Ukraine 2009;
  • National Champion SIFE Ukraine 2010;
  • Vice-champion of national SIFE competitions Ukraine 2011;
  • Best Team SIFE Ukraine in the best category “Environmental Projects” from Sun InBev Ukraine;
  • The project “Eco-office” was named Best Business Idea Competition Project of the year among other Enactus teams.

We visited World Cup 2009 in Berlin and World Cup 2010 in Los Angeles.

Now let’s explore the main tools for achieving the goals – social and entrepreneurial projects.

Our task is effective using of entrepreneurial action to empower people to improve their livelihoods in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable way.

Enactus’s recommendations for building effective teams and productive projects include a number of important tips that will be valuable in planning any activity. Let’s get acquainted with them.


  • Learn your team members’ individual interests and talents

– Understanding the unique composition of your team will help in project selection. Some teams gather information on individual members through an informational form completed upon joining the team. Additional knowledge on whether or not they are engaged in volunteer networks, other associations, and/or simply know where there may be a need that Enactus can fulfill are all valuable pieces of information. Based on individual skills and talents, you can then carefully coordinate project teams and ensure that talents of all team members are effectively employed.

  • Analyze the needs of your community

– Teams are located across a diverse range of communities, from large urban areas to small rural towns. Each of these communities offers access to a variety of populations and problems. Do some research into your community and perform a needs assessment.

– Do remember that Enactus does not require teams to conduct projects abroad. Although it may be impressive to see that teams are able to impact those outside of their home countries, the focus should always be on the need, relevance, depth and meaningful impact of improved livelihoods.

  • Get involved in your community and volunteer your assistance

– There are likely many organizations and business or civic groups in your community interested in addressing the same topics as your team or interested in serving the needs of the same population groups as those targeted by your team. These groups are often looking for partners to develop new initiatives or volunteers to execute existing programs. Identify these groups in your community, introduce your team and volunteer your assistance. Remember to clearly define what your team’s role would be versus that of your project partner.

  • Create an action plan

Once the projects have been selected, the next step is for teams to create a detailed plan of action. A comprehensive Project Planning Template is available in the appendix of this handbook and it will prove very useful as teams embark upon a new project or wish to extend an existing one. In the meantime, teams may use the questions outlined below to create a framework of action and to identify the resources needed to complete a successful project:

All projects planned by our team meet the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

In September 2015, the General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Building on the principle of “leaving no one behind”, the new Agenda emphasizes a holistic approach to achieving sustainable development for all.

 The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform our world:

GOAL 1: No Poverty

GOAL 2: Zero Hunger

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

GOAL 4: Quality Education

GOAL 5: Gender Equality

GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

GOAL 13: Climate Action

GOAL 14: Life Below Water

GOAL 15: Life on Land

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

In general, during the ten years of work the team has realized about 40 projects. The main factors of projects must meet environmental, social and economic factors.

Let’s stop and discuss the projects of ecological direction. How was already said, one of the best projects of Enactus 2013 was project Eco-office.

The problem which was decided within the project is as folows: for maintenance of the daily necessities, companies spend considerable money on energy, paper, water, plastic materials. Such charges are the considerable financial and ecological factor. In Ukraine ecological responsibility is sufficiently low.

In ecological direction we have also realized other projects of maintenance of resources and motivation of population for their rational consumption.

As an example is a project “City Clean Up

Nowadays one of the most pressing environmental problems is the pollution of the environment with solid household waste.

open the file for detailed acquaintance with the project Eco-office

Аnd another project of ecological direction Zelen`ka.

Purpose of project:

  • Number of recycled glass rooms
  • Landscaping of open space
  • Financial support of the target audience

open the file for detailed acquaintance with the project «Zelen`ka»


Another trend is the introduction of innovative ideas into the business.  Our team has been researching and implementing innovative projects for small businesses in the areas of renewable energy and efficient environmental management.  So in the period of 2014-2016 we actively worked towards the promotion of projects for the installation of solid fuel boilers at municipal property in the Lviv region.  We investigated the possibility of installing heat pumps and solar water heaters.  We have also implemented the project of installing a biogas plant in a farm.

Another area of our work is cooperation with creative young people, who are often able to produce very interesting, sometimes even unique things, but do not have the entrepreneurial skills to grow their own businesses.

These are projects such as Art and B, Sasha’s workshop, green, new life to old things.

In the project “Art and B” we hosted a 3-month business school for student artists from the Lviv Academy of Arts.

One of the artists is Sashko Moklovich.  He paints shoes and he is the only one of such artists in Ukraine.  With the help of our team, he was able to register his private enterprise and establish cooperation with clients through social networks and online stores.

With thank for our help, Sashko helped us to organize a fundraising promotion for the organization “Romashka”.  This organization helps families to bring up children with special needs.

open the file for detailed acquaintance with the project Art and B, Sasha’s

We also implement projects to help people with special needs: our team and Rehabilitation Center Source implemented joint projects for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities; we organized a theater studio for the deaf. We also implemented a charity project to help homeless animals,

Now, I will tell you more about the Ray of Hope project.

There are more than one million people with hearing impairments in Ukraine, and more than one hundred thousand people are diagnosed with “deafness”, about one thousand of whom live in Lviv.

open the file for detailed acquaintance with the project Ray of Hope project

We believe that happy people raise a happy society.  And our goal is to increase our impact and empower more people

We hope that you have found the information about our projects interesting and new ideas will emerge today to help us make the world around better.

Шахові турніри проти шаблонного мислення та бюрократизації!

31.01.2025 | 21:56

Попри гострий дефіцит часу викладачі кафедри фінансів, грошового обігу і кредиту поважають культуру інтелектуального дозвілля, беручи участь у шахових турнірах Університету, що є важливим етапом підтримки й розвитку традицій співпраці провідних університетів Львівщини та України загалом у формі цивілізованого й доброзичливого діалогу за правилами мудрої старовинної та випробуваної часом гри. Саме такий спортивний діалог дуже часто є відправною точкою міжвузівської кооперації та міждисциплінарних досліджень.
Сподіваємось приклад викладачів сприятиме популяризації участі студентів у шахових турнірах економічного факультету й Університету загалом, що гартує...

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Зимова профорієнтаційна школа «Економіка. Аналітика. Право в бізнесі» у Львівському університеті

30.01.2025 | 16:52

Упродовж 28-30 січня 2025 року на економічному факультеті Львівського університету відбулася Зимова профорієнтаційна школа «Економіка. Аналітика. Право в бізнесі».
Організатори: кафедра статистики економічного факультету, кафедра адміністративного та фінансового права юридичного факультету, відділ маркетингу та комунікації Львівського університету.
Партнери: Департамент освіти і науки Львівської ОВА, Головне управління статистики у Львівській області, ІТ компанія «А-Солюшнз Девелопмент», Торговельно-виробнича компанія «Львівхолод», Franko Store, OWOLOVO.
Цільова аудиторія – учні 9–11 класів, інші зацікавлені учасники
З вітальним слововом до учасників Зивової школи звернулися Андрій Гукалюк, перший проректор Львівського університету, Лариса...

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Відкрита дистанційна зустріч з експертною групою щодо акредитації освітньо-наукової програми «Облік у глобальному цифровому суспільстві» другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти

29.01.2025 | 19:56

Шановні колеги, запрошуємо Вас взяти участь у відкритій дистанційній зустрічі з експертною групою щодо акредитації освітньо-наукової програми «Облік у глобальному цифровому суспільстві» другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти, яка відбудеться 04 лютого 2025 р. о 13 год. 00 хв. дистанційно у ZOOM(i).
Час: 4 лютого 2025 р. о 13 год. 00 хв.
Покликання на зустріч:
Відкрита зустріч: ID 55357_58623 Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
Час: Вівторок, 4 лютого 2025 року 13:00–13:40
Підключитись до конференції Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85411284549?pwd=3rZZG5mxMsBtlCX8NJNNOXgNmxiQd9.1
Ідентифікатор конференції: 854 1128...

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Відкрита дистанційна зустріч з експертною групою щодо акредитації освітньо-наукової програми «Фінанси і кредит» другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти

29.01.2025 | 18:45

Шановні колеги, запрошуємо Вас взяти участь у відкритій дистанційній зустрічі з експертною групою щодо акредитації освітньо- наукової програми «Фінанси і кредит»” другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти, яка відбудеться 4 лютого 2025 р. о 13 год. 00 хв. дистанційно у ZOOM(i).
Час: 4 лютого 2025 р. о 13 год. 00 хв.
Покликання на зустріч:
Відкрита зустріч: ID 55357_58623 Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
Час: Вівторок, 4 лютого 2025 року 13:00–13:40
Підключитись до конференції Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85411284549?pwd=3rZZG5mxMsBtlCX8NJNNOXgNmxiQd9.1
Ідентифікатор конференції: 854 1128 4549 Читати »

Триває громадське обговорення змін до освітньо-наукової програми «Фінанси і кредит»

23.01.2025 | 17:14

23 січня 2025 року відбулась важлива зустріч викладачів і студентів кафедри фінансів, грошового обігу і кредиту зі стейкголдерами – представниками роботодавців. Метою заходу було обговорення удосконалень освітньо-наукової програми (ОНП) «Фінанси і кредит» у контексті сучасних вимог до працівників і дослідників сфери фінансів.
На заході були присутні представники провідних компаній Львівщини та філій міжнародних компаній, які висловили свої пропозиції щодо змін у навчальному процесі для підвищення конкурентоспроможності випускників.
Пріоритетним об’єктом уваги було перетворення фінансової системи під впливом інформаційних технологій. Обговорювались засоби...

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