Economy of Ukraine (in English)
Тип: Нормативний
Кафедра: економіки україни
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
2 | 4 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
2 | 32 | професор Kichurchak M. V. |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
2 | 16 |
Опис курсу
The training course is designed to provide participants with the necessary knowledge which is requisite to determine the theoretical and practical principles of functioning the national economy of Ukraine in terms of its reform and implementation of sustainable development strategy. The training course presents an overview of the concepts and factors of Ukraine’s economic development, as well as the processes and instruments needed to specify modern models of reformation, analysis of economic, social and environmental consequences of reforms.
The training course “Economy of Ukraine” is the final normative training course in the speciality 051 “Economics” for the educational programme “Economics” taught in the first semester in the amount of 4 credits (according to the European Credit Transfer System ECTS). |
Рекомендована література
Basic literature:
1. Hryniv L. S., Kichurchak M. V. Natsionalna ekonomika: navch. posibnyk. Lviv: “Mahnoliia 2006”, 2008. 464 s. 2. Ekonomika Ukrainy: natsionalna stratehiia rozvytku / [L. S. Hryniv, O. V. Stefanyshyn, M. V. Kichurchak ta in.]; za red. prof., d.e.n. L. S. Hryniv. Lviv: Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU im. Ivana Franka, 2009. 444 s. 3. Natsionalna ekonomika: navch. posib. / [A. F. Melnyk, A. Yu. Vasina, T. L. Zheliuk, T. M. Popovych]; za red. A. F. Melnyk. K.: Znannia, 2011. 463 s. (the professional training course is provided by the own textbook of professors of the department).
Auxiliary literature: 1. Hryniv L. S. Ekolohichna ekonomika: navchalnyi posibnyk. Lviv: “Mahnoliia 2006”, 2010. 358 s. 2. Zlupko S. Ekonomichna istoriia Ukrainy. K.: Znannia, 2006. 367 s. 3. Natsionalna ekonomika: navch.-metod. posibnyk / [O. Ye. Kuzmin, U. I. Kohut, I. S. Protsyk, H. L. Verbytska]; za zah. red. O. Ye. Kuzmina. Lviv: Vyd-vo Natsionalnoho universytetu “Lvivska politekhnika”, 2010. 188 s. 4. Stratehiia staloho rozvytku Ukrainy do 2030 roku. Proekt – 2017. ProOON, 2017. 112 s. URL: UNDP_Strategy_v06-optimized.pdf.
The Internet sources: − – the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; – – the website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine; – – the website of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine; – – the website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; – – the website of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine; – – website of the State Property Fund of Ukraine; – – the website of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine; – – the website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine; – – the website of the National Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Ukraine. |